A look at the best news photos from around the world.
21-ви мај 2015

Young novice Buddhist monks wait to ride a roller coaster as they visit the Everland amusement park during their training program entitled 'Children Becoming Buddhist Monks' in Yongin, south of Seoul, South Korea.

Shannon Day of Boston, a volunteer with Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund, replaces flags in the fund's flag garden on Boston Common in Boston, ahead of Memorial Day. Each of the approximately 37,000 flags represents a Massachusetts military member who died in service from the Revolutionary War to the present.

Pilgrims push a carriage as they cross the Quema River on their way to the shrine of El Rocio in Aznalcazar, southern Spain.

Farmers hold seedbeds of rice over their heads as they shout slogans during a rally to protest the government's planned rice imports for meals that they fear will lead to a fall in the price of the locally produced rice in Seoul, South Korea.