13-ти март

A serviceman of the Belarussian Interior Ministry's special forces unit breaks a stack of burning tiles with his head during a show at their base in Minsk.

Comet PanSTARRS (L) is seen with a one-day old crescent moon as both set over the Very Large Array radio telescope antenna dishes March 12, 2013 near Magdalena, New Mexico, USA.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (2nd R), Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin (2nd L, back) and actor Steven Seagal (R, back) visit a new sports arena on the territory of the Sambo-70 training sports complex in Moscow.

With their scheduled stay onboard the International Space Station headed toward its final days, three members of the Expedition 34 crew pose for some photographs in their Sokol suits in Destiny, the U.S. Laboratory . From left are NASA astronaut Kevin Ford, commander, with Roscosmos Flight Engineers Oleg Novitskiy and Evgeny Tarelkin.