Џон Малкович настапи на Охридско лето, Античкиот театар исполнет до последно место
Американскиот и светски познат актер, Џон Малкович настапи во главната улога на претставата „Пеколна комедија: Исповеди на серискиот убиец“, која е спој меѓу класичната музика и оперските форми, со драматуршкиот пристап. Влезниците се продаваа по 3.000 денари, а Античкиот театар се исполни целосно.
![American actor John Malkovich at Ohrid summer festival playing the leading role in The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer](https://gdb.voanews.com/01000000-c0a8-0242-9167-08db8e33c6c4_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
American actor John Malkovich at Ohrid summer festival playing the leading role in The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer
![American actor John Malkovich at Ohrid summer festival playing the leading role in The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer](https://gdb.voanews.com/01000000-0a00-0242-82ca-08db8e33c0a0_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
American actor John Malkovich at Ohrid summer festival playing the leading role in The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer
![American actor John Malkovich at Ohrid summer festival playing the leading role in The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer](https://gdb.voanews.com/01000000-0a00-0242-3d3c-08db8e33b9c3_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
American actor John Malkovich at Ohrid summer festival playing the leading role in The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer
![American actor John Malkovich at Ohrid summer festival playing the leading role in The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer](https://gdb.voanews.com/01000000-c0a8-0242-9d47-08db8e33b93a_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
American actor John Malkovich at Ohrid summer festival playing the leading role in The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer
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