Свирежи, скандирања, тоалетна хартија додека Собранието гласаше за заклучоците за францускиот предлог
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia
Protest in Skopje opposing the French proposal for EU membership negotiations, Skopje, Saturday 07/16, North Macedonia