Паднати делови од покривот, пеплосана внатрешност, мала врата: На местото на пожарот во Кочани

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

Remains of night club in Kochani, North Macedonia, where fire took at least 59 young lifes, and more than 150 injured.

паднати делови од покривот, пеплосана и искривена покривна конструкција, една мала врата низ која се гледаат остатоци од траорен пожар. Тоа може да се види на местото на дискотеката „Пулс“ во Кочани каде рано утринава во пожар загинаа намјалку 59 лица и повеќе од 150 лица беа повредени.