Насилства пред Собрание на протестот против францускиот предлог

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Rally in Skopje against the French proposal for EU negotiation

Камења, урната ограда, судир со полицијата беа дел од случувањата на денешниот протест против францускиот предлог за почеток на преговорите со ЕУ, а кој кулминираше пред македонското Собрание