Познати нумери и рефрени од американската поп и рок музичка сцена, како и забавна кореографија, беа дел од настапот на бендот кој го сочинуваат петнаесетина музичари и вокални изведувачи од Армијата на САД
Концерт во Скопје на воениот бенд на Армијата на САД за Европа и Африка
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square
The U.S. Army Europe and Africa Band performed at the Skopje City Square