Отворен ден на македонската армија - презентирани новите оклопни возила

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Exhibition of Macedonian army for the 30th anniversary

Изложба на новите оклопни возила од американско производство, показна вежба со армиските кучиња, изведба на боречки вештини, беа дел од настаните на отворениот ден на армијата по повод 30 години од формирањето.