In memoriam: Вацлав Хавел

Catholic priests walk in line to attend the funeral ceremony for the late former President Vaclav Havel at Prague Castle's St. Vitus Cathedral December 23, 2011. Heads of states, government officials from around the world, and ordinary Czechs bid farewell

Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former U.S. President Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attend Havel's funeral. (AP)

A 1978 file photo of Chechoslovakian dissident author Vaclav Havel. (AP)

Havel's wife, Olga Havlova, when she visited him with his brother Ivan and other members of the Charta 77 disident movement Jiri, left, and Jan Ruml in a Prague hospital in February 1983. (AP)

Havel and Alexander Dubcek, leader of the ill-fated Prague Spring, toast as they celebrate the resignation of the Czech Polit Bureau, Nov. 24, 1989. (AP)

Ladislav Adamec, the last Czechoslovak communist prime minister, attends a demonstration during the Velvet Revolution with Havel, Nov. 26, 1989, in Prague. (AP)

Waving to a cheering crowd in Prague, June 9, 1990. (AP)

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Havel toast before lunch in Prague, Sept. 17, 1990. (AP)

With Prince Charles and Klaus Schwab, prior to a session at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos in 1992. (Credit: World Economic Forum)

Havel with actress Dagmar Veskrnova following their private wedding ceremony in January 1997. Havel's wife Olga died of cancer in January 1996 after 32 years of marriage. (AP)

Awarding Secretary of State Madeleine Albright with the highest Czech award of the Order of White Lion at Prague Castle, July 14, 1997. (AP)

Talking to Czech riot police, September 27, 2000. (Reuters)

Havel being applauded by actors and audience after the world premiere of his play "Leaving", in Prague, May 22, 2008. (AP)

Barack Obama meeting Havel during a summit between the United States and the European Union in April 2009. (AP)

Havel and singer Joan Baez at a concert commemorating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Communist government in the former Socialist Czechoslovakia, November 17, 2009. (Reuters)

Waving to the audience after a premiere of his movie "Leaving" in Prague, March 22, 2011. (Reuters)

The Dalai Lama handing a present to Havel, Dec. 10, 2011. (AP)

Architect and friend Borek Sipek consoles Havel's widow Dagmar Havlova, as pallbearers carry Havel's coffin at the former church in Prague that Havel turned into a space for conferences and artistic events, Dec. 19, 2011. (AP)

At Wenceslas Square in Prague, people light candles in tribute to the late President Havel, December 18, 2011. (Reuters)